
Welcome to my portfolio. I use my blog to feature my work here, so for convenience I have collected all the portfolio-related posts here all on one page. Please feel free just to browse, or to read more in-depth about my works.

  1. IM Showcase Android App

    IM Showcase Android App

    An assessment for my undergraduate mobile interaction module, I made an app for a (real) student-run event called the IM Showcase.

  2. Intl. Community of Sommelier UK

    Intl. Community of Sommelier UK

    The website for the Intl. Community of Sommelier UK was a website I developed while freelancing in 2019.

  3. Portfolio Site

    Portfolio Site

    The construction of my portfolio is relatively simple, but I want to explain how it works, and my thought process during development.

  4. Wriggle Valley Magazine Website

    Wriggle Valley Magazine Website

    A website made for the Wriggle Valley Magazine, a community-run newsletter operating in the parishes around the Wriggle Valley, Dorset.
